15 Minute Session (Simple Follow Up)

Image for 15 Minute Session (Simple Follow Up)


A revolutionary treatment that utilizes a science based approach to greatly decrease muscle tension, joint restriction, chronic pain, and nerve restriction by releasing adhesions*. This treatment is done fully clothed without lotion and requires clients' active participation. Brief 3 second spikes of mid level pain are used to trigger targeted inflammation which kickstarts the body's natural healing process! Ideally the first session should be booked as a 45 min, then following sessions should be either 30 min or 15 min. This treatment also works best when done 3-4 days apart over several sessions, and pairs well with activity post treatment. *Adhesions typically form as an adaptation to prolonged excessive mechanical stresses such as tension, abnormal friction, and compression. Frequent inflammation can lead to adhesions as well. These factors lead to reduced circulation which results in the laying down of additional tissue and mis-firing nerves .
